
Forum discussion tagged with Native.
  1. K

    Question Does the direction of the native 12VHPWR(16-pin) cable matter?

    What the title says. I got the vertex from seasonic and the 12vhpwr(16-pin) cable's both ends look identical to me. The only difference between both sides is that one has a sticker and the other does not? The port on the psu also looks the same as the gpu(unless there's a difference that I don't...
  2. Y

    no signal to monitor with gpu hdmi or motherboard hdmi

    hi i just got my parts for making my pc but having issues. i got a asus intel h110m-a sklylake motherboard. asus gtx970 strix gpu intel i5-6600 3.3ghz processor i cant get a signal to my monitor from the hdmi from the gpu or the motherboard
  3. T

    What is plain/ straight text?

    I have looked on the internet and in my text books, but i can't find a sensible description and example of what plain text is. Can someone explain it to me? I also have to identify different types of media and discuss there advantages compared to straight text?
  4. M

    gaming build guidelines

    Hi guys, just a general query, I'm not building anything at the moment. My question is, should I allocate more money to the graphics card and keep the other components cheap? How much will it affect my fps? For a $1500 purely gaming build, is it not better to buy a $1000 graphics card and keep...
  5. Z

    Best AM3+Board for an FX-8350 thats quality but cheap?

    I want to finish my build so bad. I made a mistake of buying a $80 Asus M5A97 LE and it was either DOA or wouldnt support my 8350 so I RMA'd it... im looking for something under $150 thats quality and wont come DOA. I need my build finished.