Dear friends,
I am trying to connect 3 x12v fans and 2x corsair h80s to a single 6pin connector... I have checked that the wattage is sufficient, however i want to check this is a safe thing to do...
I value cleanliness in my case (mini itx - cm elite 130), so want to use the lowest number of...
Hello all im a first time poster and have never built a pc in my life before. Luckily I have someone in the family who is more than capable of putting it together.
But wanted to know a £500 budget would be enough to build a pc that would run games better than a ps4. Is this atall possible...
Hello Forum
I have just been building a new PC and after installing all of the parts and connecting all of the cables, when I start the computer the lights and fans turn on however, but nothing shows up on the screen and then after about 10 seconds the computer restarts and the same thing...
Hello everyone
I'm asking this question because two of my friends recently got intel CPUs.
One friend got a intel core i5 4430
The other friend got an intel core i5 4570
The thing is that they are both using the same motherboard wich I selected for them since neither of them wanted to SLI or...
Approximate Purchase Date: Tomorrow 2/3/14
Budget Range: $2000 - After Shipping
System Usage from Most to Least Important: Gaming , Internet , Video Transcoding
Are you buying a monitor: Yes
Do you need to buy OS: No
Preferred Website(s) for Parts: Newegg
Location: Springfield, MO...
On computor startup a box appears asking which user account do you want to use to run this account
Protect my computor and data from unauthorised program activity.
The following user.
Each question has a box or circle to tick.
How can I remove this box? This is windows xp...
My FPS is always a pretty dependable 45-60. The only problem is the gameplay is very jerky all the time. It feels like i'm being showed the same frame multiple times in a row leading to a micro stutter kind of feeling. The quality of the frames are just as jerky in D3 as they are in BF4 even...
Hi I'm new here so I don't know if the this is the right section but I built myself a budget computer last and this Christmas I got a new processor and a new CPU, I installed the components the same day and my computer froze while i was playing games this has happened every time i play games...
I usually do my shopping on newegg and such but recently heard of Microcenter. Are there any cons of Microcenter aside from store only pickups? And also are there other stores like Microcenter? I live in Connecticut, but if the savings are worth it, I don't mind taking a fun trip to Boston or...
Where is the best place online to sell a used GTX 590? I've posted it on craigslist, but I have no idea if anyone is going to be scanning craigslist for such a specific piece of equipment.
Any thoughts??
(Please don't say ebay...not intersted in auctions or their associated fees)
Hello all, I need your help to safely/correctly mix my memory sticks. They are both 1600 mhz, just different Latencies & brands, (the guy from Micro Center told me that I should be fine when I mix them, and the auto settings from my mobo will more than likely set the correct timings)
The 1st...
Here's my build:
8 core AMD
GTX 770
1000watt psu
Most games I can run fine on highest settings, like Battlefield etc. However, Arma3, Crysis 3, I run into a bit of bad fps. On highest setting on all of those games I get about 20-30 fps. This Christmas I'm thinking about SLI another...
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.hardware (More info?)
Yesterday i decided to format my C: drive wich contain windows XP and make a
fresh install since i was starting to have big drivers problems after failing
to installe a really old piece of hardware.
I did something pretty...
Network Access
Windows XP
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.help_and_support (More info?)
I am getting this error, I have done what it suggests to check permissions
are allowed and I still cannot get updates. Running Windows XP home. I
appreciate any help on this.
I have motherboard asus p5b deluxe and two HDD's. One is seagete barracuda and one is hitachi deskstar. They both have 320gb of space, 16mb cache and 7200rpm. I connected them to plugs SATA 1 and SATA 2. I updated bios on version 1238 and set RAID. On startup i pressed Ctrl + I and the setup for...
I have 800 to spend on a business/personal computer and i need your help with what to get as this is my first build.
This will be used to for work with my online business and to play movies with nvidias 3d graphics also may be used for gaming and would like to be able to get 1080p.
I know i...
Hey guys, i bought Adobe PhotoShop CS3 and Illustrator CS3.
I have Windows XP pro with SP2 service pack.
The thing is, the instaltion somehow doesn't work. I put the DVD in, it autostarts, then i choose, install photoshop or illustrator, depending on the dvd, it shows t this screen
it takes...
I am trying to eliminate some of the icons in the system tray using msconfig. I am automatically logged in as administrator, but when I remove some of the icons and hit save I get the message not logged in as administrator.
Is it possible to image an old XP machine to a new XP machine? The OSs are the same, but the hardware are not. Would Norton Ghost or Acronis True Image be able to do this?
Thanks in advance.
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.help_and_support (More info?)
everytime I go to my computer it keeps crashing, it will not allow me to open
any folders, it just hangs. internet explorer works fine not sure whats
wrong. Does anybody know a fix for this
(system32\\DRIVERS\\isapnp.sys) Cant find a Compaq boot disk. System was purchased with a IMAGED hard drive.. (Little did I know) no wonder it was so cheap.. Microsoft wont help same with HP...
Archived from groups: (More info?)
I just bought a new PC with Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005. I have a
bunch of home movie VHS tapes I have recorded over the years and I wanted to
burn them to DVD. What do I need to do to hook my VCR to my PC to record...
I understand this site is for gamers. I'm not a gamer. But I am in the process of building a few computers to support a Stock-Trading environment. Hence, as this forum has the wealth of tech information I always ultimately end up here.
I would be grateful if anyone could point me to...