
Forum discussion tagged with Nuke.
  1. claudngtt

    [SOLVED] Building my first PC

    Hello guys! I am about to build my first pc and I was wondering if these parts are all compatible and are good for 3D rendering and applications like Nuke, Maya, Houdini etc... Please let me know if I could change some parts ! PC PART MODEL PRICE CASE Corsair iCUE 220T RGB Airflow €100.00...
  2. N

    tv display weird flickering intel hd graphics

    Hi guys so im having problems with my tv screen thats hooked to my computer basically my nephew was hit some keys on my keyboard when i wasnt around and changed my resolution or something and intel hd graphics manager thing was open so thought he did something in there i changed my resolution...
  3. T

    Internet is Slow

    I just recently built a new gaming pc. It runs all my games really fast but when I try to access the Internet (google chrome) it is really slow and takes a long time to load the pages. Does anyone know why this happens?
  4. A

    DSL Line Wiring Diagram

    I Need The Wiring Diagram for a Dual Bonded DSL Line ? I Tripped over the DSL line to my Modem Again!!! I Lost My Wiring Diagram ! I've done this before !
  5. F

    Help first built pc

    Hi, please can someone tell me what to do , I am thinking about buying a pc off easy as they are built but not great but there cheap I want a decent gaming pic 1080p I want to play the new rust not the old one, do I build my self or buy one? Iv never built one before only replaced graphic card...
  6. S

    nice looking memory? I want to put light bars on my memory but I don't think I'll be able to with the memory I have does anyone know one that's good and I'm able to put light bars on?
  7. A

    i54670k oc advice

    Hi guys I've just got back into PC gaming after 12 years of no PC. 4760k CPU with cool master hyper t4 cooler Asus z87 pro 8gb 1600ddr3 vengeance ram About to start with the over clocking but have been reading conflicting Info. I don't want to oc the ram yet just the CPU. Am I ok to just...