Hi, this is my first post here so sorry if its formatted wrong.
I really need some help! As the title says I'm having a HUGE issue with my Gpu or so I thought ( GeForce RTX
3070) after installing the driver 545.84. After installing this update whenever I try to boot up overwatch it plays for a...
blackscreen after graphics driver installation
BlackScreen System Issue
help pc
nvidia 3070
nvidia 4070
nvidiadriver issue
system issues
Hello, so after installing nvidia driver 430.39 for my 1080ti whenever i play some game the cpu usage Will go up to 99 usage and proceed to make the pc black out and the gpu fan to go nuts fast only option then is to manual reboot.
I went to nvidia support and with confidence they told me that...
im planning on building a gaming pc soon and i was wondering if this build would be able handle demanding games like Battlefield 4 and also if you could tell me what settigns i could run on that'ed be great1:D.parts= http://pcpartpicker.com/p/3ixn3