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Instead of waiting for our usual update (January 1, 2005). LIU has decided
to give the newsgroups an early surprise! We are making our new Sims2 walls
and floors available now! This won't be broadcast anywhere but here and in
the LIU...
Archived from groups:, (More info?)
Great Scott!!! HALO the Movie?!?!
Ahoy, squirts! Quint here with an interesting rumor, or at least a slice of
what could be, pertaining to the possible big screen adaptation of the
super-selling monster of a videogame...
Archived from groups: (More info?)
Hi all,
In a game last night, a friend had two Crumbling Sanctuaries in play.
He claimed that they would both trigger, causing a double mill for
each point of damage dealt, but it appeared to me that this was a
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.basics (More info?)
Help Please,
I'm not sure if this can be done but,
I have added a sound from clipart into a word document.
Is there a way that when you open the document the sound will play
Many Thanks
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I am running XP SP 2 and v1.37 of Thief Gold and have installed the
nVidia patch to prevent the black screen 3D bug. I have also tried
setting Thief.exe compatibility mode to Win NT SP 4. However, the game
freezes after a few...
Hi. I recently boughta Sapphire x850xt from ebay. It's fitted with an arctic silencer etc
Anyway when running oblivion in certain cities i am only getting about 10 fps. The graphic settings are what the game automatically detected. Is that right. Is oblivion too much for my card?
I have a p4...
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I think animal testing is a terrible idea; they get all
nervous and give the wrong answers.
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Well, the DS is out, and NOWHERE in all the pre-release information did I
see that the DS wireless communication was incompatable with the GBA
wireless adapter,
I don't think Emerald is going to be re-vamped to use the DS, and the...
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In my copious spare time I thought I would try and make sense out of the
enigma known as the "GW points system". The result is a little program
called the 40k Troop points estimator.
This baby will (aka should, but probably...
Archived from groups: (More info?)
Hello all,
I just got my own copy of SWG from eBay. Because the previous owner had
registered it, I am now unable to register. Whilst this is great for all
those pirates, it makes it hard for us honest ppl. I have sent an email to...
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Here, as near as I can determine, are the dates of the various NetHack
releases since 3.0.0 and the number of days between them:
3.0.0 1989 Jul 23
3.0.1 1989 Aug 3 11
3.0.2 1989 Aug 18 15
3.0.3 1989 Sep 7...
I know there are faster PCIe cards at lower prices, but upgrading my motherboard is not an option and I'm ok paying a little more to stick with my 754 board with 8X AGP.
I need a fast card that can handle my native 1600x1200 LCD monitor, so an overclocked card with less RAM or pipelines (like...
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I just bought Diablo 2 tonight. Bought it in hopes of running
networked play in my house on my 3 computers.
Having some problems:
#1: I installed the 1.09b upgrade patch successfully on 2 of the 3
computers. The 2 that it worked on were...
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How does one go about talking to the daedric shrines?
I have read several posts about 'activating the shrive' or 'talking to the
Can someone explain this a little, because I'm at a loss. I have tried
talking to the shrines...
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I've got a top of the line paragon chest that I can't get open.
Reg LeCrisp - Atlantic
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I have several sims that have blank wants - just empty squares. They still
have fears, and the fears "rotate" at the appropriate times, but there's
nothing showing up for the wants. I went from playing one house that...
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Hi All,
I'd like to backup my UT2004 user data: settings, games, screen shots,
etc. What files/folders should I backup?
Archived from groups: (More info?)
I've seen this term used in a number of "historical" tournament
reports and such files. Does this refer to Darius (Event or
Pre-game?) + Seduce (Amanda or Nefertiri?)? It seemed to be both a
strategy and a deck type...
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Previously you needed resources to build the latest and greatest
units. Now with Tow Infantry all you need is the tech. The AI tends
to exploit this by irrigating and drafting like crazy. I find that
slows the end of the game down since it...