old school

Forum discussion tagged with old school.
  1. T

    [SOLVED] Recommend me some cases that are budget, and NOT tempered glass?

    So, there are no end of sub £50 cases available that are good with tempered glass designs. That's nice, as RGB and clean cabled managed builds are the thing now. But what if I'm old school - I want metal on all sides, and I don't care if it looks clean because I never see it? Make it messy and...
  2. S

    Upgrading an AMD apu, need some advice

    Hi all, Currently in my system I have an Amd a4 6300 and I am looking to upgrade it. My problem is that the a4 6300 has limited upgrade potential considering that it is an fm2 socket. So I've narrowed down my options, and what I have come up with is buying an a10 5800k, and keeping the same...