optical drive caddy

Forum discussion tagged with optical drive caddy.
  1. G

    [SOLVED] Replacement optical disk drive for Dell T7910 Workstation

    Hi, I’m looking for advice on replacing the failed LG GTA0N optical disk drive in my Dell T7910 workstation. What would be a reliable drive to replace my existing, but failed LG GTA0N optical disk drive? This drive seems to have been discontinued. Besides, it failed after very little use. My...
  2. BBBBonzai

    Partitioning drives and Dual Boot Options

    Hello, I am new to the Forum and I hope I'm doing this right. I have an Asus K55A Laptop with an i7-3630qm 4 core 2.4 GHz CPU, 8 GB ram, a 240 GB SSD in the hard drive slot and a 1 TB HDD in a caddy in the optical drive. I would like to dual boot Windows 10 and some form of Linux mostly to...