Optical Drive Replacement

Forum discussion tagged with Optical Drive Replacement.
  1. Maximuxis

    [SOLVED] Emtpy Optical Drive slot, can I install an SDD drive (Laptop)?

    Hello guys, I'm new to this because I recently decided to upgrade storage on my laptop (preferably to SDD), which required me to do lots of research but I'm stuck now and need guidance. I discovered that there's an Optical Drive slot on my laptop that it's basically empty, the user manual...
  2. JonRin

    Concerns about graphics card not fitting into tower

    As the title of the thread suggests, I recently purchased an EVGA GeForce GTX 960 4GB PCI-E 3.0 X16 Graphics Card (http://) and I was reading some reviews on the Newegg product page. One of the reviews advised that there needs to be a minimum of a 6 and half inch gap between the motherboard and...