
Forum discussion tagged with p5k.
  1. Machinus

    [SOLVED] P5K Deluxe startup hangs at "Initializing USB Controllers...". How do I fix it?

    I have a P5K Deluxe with a PSU, CPU, RAM, and GPU. The chip has a cooler on it. Nothing else is connected besides the power signal cable. I have tried testing it with a keyboard and/or HDD, which have not seemed to make any difference. I am trying to get this motherboard to make it past the...
  2. W

    i need answers about crossfire

    ok right now i own a r9 280x sapphire an was wondering if i get the sapphire r9 390 would work with my old one or if i should just use the new one and if i can only use new one and if there is a better one then the 390 for at most 350 taxes included that would be great
  3. H

    Fallout 4 r9 290x FPS 20-35 on low settings

    fallout 4 runs at a low fps on all settings on low, I have updated drivers, rolled back drivers and have tried beta drivers. Still no luck, applied many of the tips found online such as disabling vsync, water quality etc. I recieve a solid 60 inside but outside fps drops dramitcally. Any help...
  4. J

    Share USB internet over wifi, while simultaneously Accessing internet for the PC through the lan connection

    Well, I guess the title is self explanatory, My LAN ISP provides a certificate which is to installed on pc to accrss the internet. But it also blocks most of the mobile sites. I am having a dongle with me. I usually connect my dongle and share it while using on my mobile phone for whatsapp, etc...