So... I bet there are a ton of threads that are similar to my case, but I've spent the whole day reading around and trying different solutions and still am only left with a headache.
So we have this computer at work thats around 10 years old and runs on Windows 7. We use software that is not...
Recently I experienced a circuit breaker popped and when I booted back up my PC it showed no display, the RGB on my GPU and AIO work with all the fans but my keyboard and mouse weren’t working at all, since then I tried removing all connected connections to the tower then switching it off and...
Good day everyone.
So the issue I'm having is exactly how it's in the thread title. My country has a lot of power outages now and sometimes (rarely) blackouts.
After power goes off and my desktop PC disconnects from electricity I can't turn the system back on. It turns on but doesn't even show...