
Forum discussion tagged with pcix16.
  1. Majin_ok

    Question Pci x8 in x16 slot problem

    Hello, I have the following problem, I have a 6700xt graphics card in the first PCIX slot and below I have an NVME Is it possible that the NVME consumes my graphics bandwidth? The mother is a b460m - r2.0
  2. D

    [SOLVED] Does the RTX 2060 need a PCIX16 line?

    Hi, I have a ASUS X570-e MOBO, with two gen 3 nvme drive, and a Gigabyte 2060 Gaming OC PRO card. I'm using it in the second PCI slot, because that how it looks cool tbh cause of my giant DRP4. I was wondering if it matters if it's running x8 mode instead of x16? My MOBO warns me about it, but I...