pixelated edges

Forum discussion tagged with pixelated edges.
  1. hiroshixdr

    Question Weird artifacts when playing fortnite and spider-man remastered

    I just got an RTX 3070 so I wanted to test the new fortnite graphics but this happened, and its the same thing that happens when I tried to play spider-man remastered. Theres just these very ugly and pixelated edges, especially on the backpack. And it seems to happen every time I move the...
  2. P

    [SOLVED] 2007 game, broken graphics

    Hi, im trying to run an old game from 2007 called Fish Fillets 2 (childhood nostalgy), the game is on steam so no compatibility issues there. The issue im having is that the graphics in the game seem to be jagged, also game hardcore crashes entire system if i try to switch from fullscreen to...
  3. E

    Question I just bough a new monitor yesterday and I can see that my text are pixelated

    I tried sharing picture about my issue with gyazo but doesnt seem to work um to ill post a phone picture https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/244855254699474944/550411134902206464/20190227_021441.jpg please help.
  4. J

    First time build - Please let me know thoughts

    I'm trying to build a mid-level gaming machine for no more than $600. I'd like it to be easily upgradeable in the future or one that might last atleast the next 5 years. [PCPartPicker part list](http://pcpartpicker.com/p/RkYfkL) / [Price breakdown by...