Hello! Yesterday I got a CX600 power supply for free from a friend. He said that it's randomly turning off in his system. I happily accepted it, thinking that it must have just not been enough for his system. I got it home and realized that it was full of dust. I've disassembled it. (Since the...
So recently I’ve had some problems with my computer lately. It’s about 4.5 years old from the time I built it. I’m not really savvy with specs and stuff so I decided to come here.
For the past few days I’ve been playing games on my pc and once in a while it would make a glitch type of noise in...
Hey all,
I recently built a computer for a friend, the day we put it together it worked absolutely fine. The day after it did too for around 4 hours. While playing Forza horizon 4 suddenly the computer completely shut off. When we tried turning it on it would flash led lights and spin the fans...
Hey guys,
so I have this problem since yesterday that is driving me completely crazy:
I started having quite some huge RAM usage on my PC even after just freshly booting it up it reached like 50% super quickly. I have 16GB of Ram, so I was curious what it could be and checked the task manager...