price advice

Page 2 - Forum discussion tagged with price advice.
  1. Garrett_b0yd


    Is $440 a good price for this pc??! (Speccy screencap is my profile picture) I need to know as soon as possible please
  2. S

    Question Why is the i7-4790k more than the i7-8700/8700k?

    I have recently been looking to build a new PC. My old PC has the 4790k, and I am looking to get the 8700k for the new PC. When I went and compared the two on UserBenchmark, the 4790k was more expensive than the 8700k. I don't understand why that is and if that should be worrying about buying...
  3. S

    [SOLVED] How much could I get?

    Was going to get out of gaming and sell my desktop and was wondering what I could get for my setup. GPU: Power Color Red Dragon Vega 56 CPU: Ryzen 5 2600 (Stock heat sink) Mobo: B450 Bazooka Ram: 4x4gb DDR4 2400mhz Storage: 1Tb crappy laptop hard drive - 250gb A400 Kingston SSD PSU 750W evga (no...
  4. X

    PC Building help needed

    Hello! My name is Symph and I need some help with PC parts. So I decided to build my own pc and I need some help. I don't know if my system will be cool or not with it's current parts that I am putting together. Please take a look and give me some advice.