processor cooling

Forum discussion tagged with processor cooling.
  1. Iver Hicarte

    [SOLVED] Is a Lian li Galahad 360mm AIO enough on an all core overclocked 5900X?

    Good day, Is the Lian Li Galahad 360mm AIO cooler enough for an all core overclocked 5900x? My 5900x which is currently overclocked on all cores at 4.5ghz is cooled by my 4 year old cooler which is the corsair h115i 280mm aio cooler. I'm looking to overclock it further to at least 4.7ghz on all...
  2. S

    Can you overclock ryzen CPU (1600x) with this motherboard?

    the name: PRIME-B350-PLUS - ASUS thx for the help :)