processor error

Forum discussion tagged with processor error.
  1. Ash_GameKiller?

    Question Bent CPU pin? System Hard Freeze!

    I've Intel Core 2 Duo 3.14Ghz CPU on LGA 775. My PC hard freeze sometimes. On freeze, the system becomes unresponsive, whatever was on screen is frozen, and I hear a horrendous screeching noise. The sound is an awful jumble of high pitched noises. It's loud and quite annoying. It continues...
  2. K

    Question Overclocking a i7-9700k - Repeated Event 19's in the WHEA Logger

    I built this computer using the following setup: (I used the EVGA GeForce 970 SSC and the drives out of my old computer for now) Everything worked great for the first few months, with only an odd crash at 5.2 GHz. I just turned it down to 5.1 GHz and kept...