Pump Fail

Forum discussion tagged with Pump Fail.
  1. D

    [SOLVED] Early signs of failing AIO pump?

    Hello, I am experiencing some weird temperature increase with my EVGA CLC 120 AIO cooler. I have it for approximately 3.5 years so it would be really unpleasant for me if it brakes after (in my opinion) short time like this. I have a i5 7600k OCed to 4.6ghz and idle temps were around 32-33...
  2. evyosh

    Asus GTX 960 2GB OC or 4GB

    i am planing to buy a new graphic card.. but they have 2 different card and they are huge difference in the price gap.... https://www.asus.com/ph/Graphics-Cards/TURBOGTX960OC2GD5/ https://www.asus.com/Graphics-Cards/TURBO-GTX960-OC-4GD5/ what would are you guys saying....