
Forum discussion tagged with R5.
  1. S

    Question R5 3600 @90+ deg

    I constantly getting 50-70 degrees on idle and 90+ degrees on load. I know 50-70 deg is just fine but on idle its just bad. I didn't overclock my processor. I am using a hyper tx3 evo since my stock cooler randomly stopped working and the thermal-paste that comes with it the hyper tx3 evo. My...
  2. P

    [SOLVED] Which mainboard is best for r5 3600

    I am willing to build a rig with 2x4 gb Kingston hyper x fury, a 1060 , r5 3600 and a Corsair rm650w. I haven't yet decided which motherboard I'd put in that build. I'm kind of on a budget so I was thinking of something below 120$ would do wonders. Also, except for the 1060(as i already...
  3. Zectorr

    Question Crossfire on this Board good/bad idea?

    So i have 2 Rx 580s (ROG STRIX Models) And wanted to try crossfire them, yes i know crossfire isn't really a good idea, but for the games i will be playing it works just fine. ASUS ROG Strix B450-F This is the board i will be buying , will there be a bandwidth issue with the second card?
  4. kenzy9

    Question Rate my PC build with advice

    I will play CSGO competitive/ranked, Also PUBG, R6 Siege and AC Unity&Odyssey. Need at least 60-75 FPS on 1080p Max-High Setting preferred. (Might live-stream as well) __ Feel free to criticize/suggest improvements/adjustments with reason. Though still need to look into more finicky...
  5. 7

    Random lag spikes on any game

    So about 2 days ago I started getting lag spikes on any online game I played, for example Overwatch, my ping would go up randomly up to 1000 and I always play on 35 and that's been happening even on my pc when play Counter Strike, I am using Ethernet on both my ps4 and my pc, I've never had this...
  6. K

    letter i stopped working

    have to copy and paste. i took the top of key off and have used compressed air. Drivers are up to date and there is no errors showing in device mgr.
  7. S

    Suddenly graphics card not working well

    i have a gtx 970 and when i play overwatch on low settings i get a smooth 180-200 fps suddenly i got this error with my graphics card and after fixing it by cleaning the pc the game isnt running as well it starts off with 200~ fps but 2 minutes in game and its going down to 100 fps this is...
  8. T

    i wan to upgrade my ram

    i have and 8gb potenza ram stick and want to know if i can switch it our for two 8gb corsair vengeance ram sticks
  9. G

    asusx551m not turning on

    With old battery,had problems charging,then it wouldn't charge,so bought new battery,again wouldn't charge,both batteries let me sue laptop until they died,now laptop is dead,is the problem the cord or jack,or could it be something else?thanx for any help Gneal
  10. E

    2nd hand PC, what's it worth and will it be able to play games?

    My laptop is failing me and I finally have space for a desktop. I would like to play games like the new COD and CS:GO on at least medium at 1600x900, maybe 1080p in the future. A friend is getting a new system and offered to sell his old system to me: Processor: Intel i5 2500K / 3.3Ghz GPU...
  11. X

    upgrading my cpu

    Currently have an amd fx 4130. Just upgraded MB to a Asrock 990extreme9, was looking at the fx8350 and Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO at 189$. Would there be anything better for around same price?
  12. W

    how do i uninstall my nvidia drivers

    im still on the 364.47 driver and i wanna update to the new 364.72 update but it keeps failing the install , so i wanna manualy unistall the drivers and re install them , but there are so many nvidia drivers in the add or remove programs that i dont know what the correct process is , help ?
  13. K

    can my pc ablre to run fc 3

    pc specs intel core 2 duo E 7500 2.93 ghz 2gb ram 32 bit operating system
  14. S

    Asus RT-AC68U Access Point Mode Help

    1. When using the Asus RT-AC68U (or any Asus router) in access point mode, do you connect the ethernet cable coming from the main router into the wan port or the lan1 port of the router in access point mode? 2. In regards to the roaming assist option, do i enable it on both the ac68u main...
  15. G

    HD graphics of g3258

    Hello , can the igpu of the pentium g3258 play games on bluestacks? Like CoC,minecraft And what low budget apu possible that can run minecraft, bluestacks,LoL Thanks!
  16. R

    power supply fan noise problem?

    PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant / Benchmarks CPU: Intel Core i5-4670K 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor ($219.99 @ Amazon) CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler ($29.98 @ OutletPC) Motherboard: ASRock Z87 Extreme4 ATX LGA1150 Motherboard...