Radeon R9 390

Forum discussion tagged with Radeon R9 390.
  1. ShaneyBoi

    [SOLVED] Bad Stuttering and poor performances when Gaming.

    Recently I’ve come into possession of my brothers pc. Before reinstalling windows I went through his pc a little bit, tried a few games on high graphics and had great performance. Now after reinstalling windows, I’m getting poor fps and stuttering. For example I tried playing Pubg and got avg 30...
  2. Zarrick

    Question Radeon r9 390 overheating

    I recently got an issue with my R9 390 Sapphire Nitro. It would get to 111 degrees fahrenheit and shut down. Since it was way past warranty, I took it apart, cleaned it, and applied new thermal paste (Thermaltake TG-7). The card ran alot cooler after I did the above but the temp slowly crawled...
  3. Chip Biscuit

    [SOLVED] "Out of range" error on monitor after installing GPU driver

    Hi all. I have a Huion Kamvas GT221 Pro screen tablet hooked up to my computer, which I also use as my primary monitor. The PC is connected to a Prozor HDMI switcher, because I also have my games console hooked up to it, and that switcher is connected directly to the monitor. This setup has...
  4. hapsoro

    Windows 10 Apps Store error 0x80072EE2

    this problem was happened, approx. 24h after i updated from win7 i'm sure this problem began from the start up screen shows " :( " emoticon, then Windows app become like this https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xlf1/t31.0-8/13641155_776440399164814_1213506682854202358_o.jpg I...