Hey all, pretty much got my new PC all done, except for a storage HDD that i'll have to RMA because it has the hickups; but i have a question about my water loop.
After my CPU storm block, my tubes get sucked in a bit, they flatten out. this continues from my CPU block to my reservoir, and...
I am looking to spend around $300-400 dollars.
Here's my current specs:
Nvidia 9800 GTX
Intel Core Duo 2.4GHz
750W power supply
1440 x 900 monitor
I mainly want to play Diablo 3 on max at this resolution. I don't need a monitor. I need to upgrade my processor (I...
Ill be using it for programs such as cinema 4d, After Effects, Sony Vegas. Will I be able to handle games such as bf3, ac maxed out?
GigaByte Z68xp-D3 Aus $176
GigaByte Hd 7850 2gb DDr5 OC Edition $286
i7 2600 $324.50
Kingston 4gb DDR3-1333 $66
Seagate !tb SATA3 HDD $99
CoolPower 700W PSU $55...
This is my first try on building a computer
Use of computer: Gaming
Already got: Mouse, keyboard (kinda, will just buy a cheap one), monitor (1650x1020 - should support vga, hdmi and dvi), speakers
Operation system: Windows 7
motherboard: Z68 Extreme3 Gen3
where i will buy
So I waited for IVY. I then read that IVY runs hotter, much hotter when OCed. This to me completely killed any reason to get that cpu and made me regret not getting this build in December.
So, here we have it. Main use is for gaming.
NCIX Bundle Deal Intel Core i5 2500K Quad Core Unlocked...
I just have a few questions, is the i7 really worth the extra cash over the cheaper i-5? is it worth waiting for the ivy bridge? Are there any cables/tools ile need to buy (not screwdrivers or regular household tools)? Thanks so much for all the answers!
My dad wants to build himself a computer. Nothing fancy, nor expensive, probably below $800 usd. He wants to be casual, yet able to do some work. The best he has been able to tell me in regards to his work, is that he does stuff with GIS and things of that nature.
Right now, I'm using this...
Just built first gaming rig. Is there any good software for checking cpu temp/stress or other components? Is there good software for Ocing the i5? Thankyou for your time!
i5 2500k
asrock extreme3 gen3
sapphire 7950 oc
1tb HDD
2x4 corsair vengence