
Forum discussion tagged with rfi.
  1. J

    Pacemakers & cell phones ... iPhone 12 in particular

    A couple of years ago the FDA issued a general warning about using cell phones around pacemakers. The sense of it was that cell phone radio emissions theoretically could interfere with pacemaker operation. There was no evidence that they actually do so, but the warning was issued out of an...
  2. 1

    Question Polling rate spikes from 70 to 1600hz on 2 different pcs and 4 different mice.

    Recently i`ve got a new aorus z390+9900k and a new mouse (mz1), then i measured the polling rate and saw this. What is interesting is that i had EXACTLY the same issue on my old i7 3770 and multiple mice (viper mini, gpro (wired) and fk2). And i was thinking that i just had a faulty mobo or old...
  3. T

    Input lag, RFI/EMI issues?

    Hello, I've been experiencing a weird issue for some time now since moving to my new apartement. I'll try my best to explain it as detailed and as best as possible, please bear in mind that I do not have any or atleast very little knowledge about electricity. Mainly, what I'm experiencing is...
  4. B

    [SOLVED] How to check for RFI

    I am wondering what tools I can use to check for RFI so I can optimize my WiFi. Any help is appreciated. Thank you
  5. A

    Which Build Should I Get

    Build #1 http://au.pcpartpicker.com/p/hwc3dC Build #2 CPU: AMD A10-7850K Quad Core 3.4GHz Motherboard: Gigabyte FM2+ GA-F2A88XM-D3H uATX RAM: Kingston 16GB 1866MHz HyperX Fury Black Case: NZXT Phantom 410 Red Mid Tower Power Supply: Cooler Master 500W Thunder 85+ Primary Storage Device: Western...