
Page 2 - Forum discussion tagged with Robots.
  1. deathstreike125720

    Will FX-6300 bottleneck with R9 285?

    Hi, I would like to know if my FX-6300(3.5ghz) would bottleneck with an R9 285, R9 280x, or R9 290. I currently am using an R9 270x
  2. A

    No Post No Beep No Display!

    I just built this PC, it worked for the first boot in 800x600 resolution. I changed the resolution to 1280x720 (My video card wasn't detected) At this point I didn't have internet either so my motherboard drivers weren't installed yet. Right after the reboot, there was no display, all fans...
  3. qmfosems22

    How many FPS?

    Hello this is the build for my computer, how many FPS can I expect on a normal quality game? Is it possible to increase the FPS from this build without paying too much extra? CPU AMD Athlon X4 760K 3.8GHz Quad-Core $84.73 Motherboard MSI FM2-A75MA-E35 Micro ATX FM2 $57.78 Memory PNY XLR8 8GB...