Screen protector

Forum discussion tagged with Screen protector.
  1. S

    Question Steamdeck screen protector peeling off when hot

    Hi, I have the 256gb steamdeck and I’ve fitted a brotect anti glare screen protector. I’ve fitted it perfectly with no visible dust or bubbles. However, when the steamdeck becomes warm while gaming the screen protector peels off. I replaced it with another and the same issue happened again. To...
  2. S

    Question Can anyone recommend me a good monitor screen protector for my $2,000 Acer Predator X27?

    I have been using the X27 monitor a lot and have noticed little smudges of dirt and food (because I eat food in front of my monitor) here and there sometimes. I want to buy a clear monitor screen protector (sorta like a phone screen protector but for monitors). I dont want my expensive monitor...
  3. S

    PC won't recognize my PS4 controller

    Simply my ps4 controller worked perfectly fine while plugged using the USB cable. Now suddenly it stopped working. My PC won't recognise my ps4 controller suddenly and it does not show up in my devices. I tried restarting the controller (many times) it didn't help also tried DS4Windows and it...
  4. P

    Stuttering in LOL

    Hey guys. I recently cleaned my computer from dust.When i booted it up,it opened the system recovery window.I didn't know why that happened,but i still did it and it was normal and at the end my computer was just fine.But the next day when i wanted to play some League,my whole computer just...
  5. C

    GAMING PC 4Gb ram vs 8Gb

    I have a pc with these specs: i5 3570k stock speed gtx 770 4GB 4 gb gskill 1600 Using 4gb seems to be working fine for me. Would adding another 4gb stick change performance in GTA V?
  6. T

    How well will this system run Skyrim (Ultra Settings) plus lots of mods

    What sort of FPS can i expect with this system using lots (100+) mods and possibly an ENB. Many thanks in advance.