Screen taring

Forum discussion tagged with Screen taring.
  1. 1Captain Obvious

    Question Unknow cause of screen split/Taring

    In late 2019 I ordered the Acer Gaming Monitor 27" curved ED273. On and off I have been experiencing a screen splitting effect. It looks like half my monitor is about a quarter of an inch up compared to the other half. I originally thought it was when I activated G-SYNC, so I turned that off in...
  2. Derpster25

    Question How can i get over 60fps on 60 hz display with no screen tearing?

    Hello i am new to pc so these might be dumb questions but i have a 60hz display and a pc with intel i5 and a gt1030 and im able to get well above 60 fps in some games but unless i have vsync on its has horrible screen tearing is there a way to be able to play at above 60 fps with no tearing. i...
  3. lordtristan28

    TECHNIS SB-A28 What amp and wire?

    Hi, I am not sure where else i could post this, But i'm just getting into home audios systems, I've done a bit of research and what not but i've been having troubles on a amp and what wire to use. I was looking on kijiji and found a pair of TECHNIS SB-A28 speakers for 100$ It seems like a pretty...