Second display

Forum discussion tagged with Second display.
  1. Y

    Question Looking for a good secondary monitor.

    As the title says, I'm looking for a secondary monitor. I don't really want to go over 150$, and ideally I'd like it to be as close to 100$ as possible. I'll be using this for discord, spotify, web browsing, youtube, etc. My main monitor and the one I'll continue to game on is a Gigabyte M32U...
  2. icynicalb

    GTX 1070 Firestrike Low Score

    Recently I ran a 3dmark firestrike benchmark and got a score of 13,793. I've seen other people with my same components getting 15.3k or more. What could be the issue? PC Specs: CPU: i7-6700 3.4Ghz MoBo: Asus Z170 PRO GAMING/AURA Ram: 16GB DDR4 3000Mhz GPU...