
Forum discussion tagged with Shutdowns.
  1. Mattotk

    Question Pc restarts when opening or playing some games .

    Solved: The problem was in the PSU, the fan was failing and overheating it, after a fan swap, it worked fine without problems. Hello there, first of all, thanks for reading, and possibly providing any info about the possible cause of the problem. 2 days ago I opened a football game, Efootball...
  2. an117

    Discussion My pc keeps shutting down for no reason OC might be the issue?

    Hello Guys a few days ago I overclocked my CPU in order to get more FPS in Arma 3 everything was good, after succesfully overlocking it I decided that I would overlock my GPU as well right after I did that my PC started to shut itself off randomly 1 time while playing 2nd time after just...
  3. T

    Question Help with Random Shutdowns?

    I first had this problem about a week ago, and ever since, my PC shuts down completely about once a day (hard shutdown no bluescreen). Mostly this occurs while gaming, but at least once it has happened while simply on the web (not under heavy load). Until two days ago, I had my PC hardwired to...
  4. AJ20011

    Gigabyte GTX 960 Windforce 4GB (rev 1.1) - Missing PCIe Power Cable

    Hi Hoping someone can help, as right now it has 3 of us all scratching our heads, Bought a Gigabyte NVIDIA GTX 960 WINDFORCE 2X Graphics Card - 4GB this week, opened the box and on the graphics card there are 2 x 6-Pin PCIe sockets, Problem is, only 1 6-Pin PCIe cable was supplied in the box...
  5. C

    Random black screen occurring !? HELP

    So today I turned on my Pc and about ten minutes or less later it just black screens, I was just web browsing and audio continued for about 5 seconds before cutting off also. All fans and lights inside the PC stayed the same , the lights on my mouse and keyboard remained on, although the caps...
  6. C

    Clean Install - No Drivers!

    Hello all and thanks for viewing the post! I recently did a fresh install of Windows 7 Ultimate on my computer, but after the install, many drivers were missing (including ethernet and USB). I have the necessary drivers on a USB stick but obviously I can't use a USB without the USB drivers. I...
  7. Y

    the z170 board im trying to buy has bad reviews on newegg ?

    i bought all of the new parts i need except the motherboard many of the z170 motherboards has bad reviews on newegg like this one also this one memory error coming from the...
  8. E

    When i record a game it plays smoothly but when i rewatch the video its laggy?? How can i fix?

    When i record a game it plays smoothly but when i rewatch the video its laggy?? How can i fix? my pc should be able to have it nicely done i just built the pc but seems like everytime i reocord the video of the game playing is laggy ? But when i play it , it wasnt at all how to fix ????