Slow Transfer Speed

Forum discussion tagged with Slow Transfer Speed.
  1. F

    [SOLVED] Slow Transfer Speed Between Two Internal SSDs

    When transferring large files between two SSDs the transfer speed goes from high 400's MB/s down to 17-20MB/s. I understand there is a cache but I feel like those are USB speeds, not internal SSDs ones. I have enabled write cache, and even set my pc to high performance power mode. Both SSDs are...
  2. seagatedoge

    [SOLVED] Slow write speed to external backup disk

    Hello, I have been using the ST4000DM000 (link) as an external backup drive over USB. Lately I have a very slow write speed to it (16kbps) which seems to halt shortly into starting. Small documents I can create within it, such as a text document, and I can read what seems like all the files...
  3. BadBoy2049

    Info I'm getting same speed from USB 2.0 , USB 3.0 and USB 3.1

    I'm getting same speed from USB 2.0, USB 3.0 and USB 3.1 from my Transcend's StoreJet 25M3 portable hard drive PC Spec: Intel i7 6700k gigabyte z170x gaming 3 SSD ADATA SU800NS38 HDD WDC WD10EZRX-00A3KB0 RAM g.skill Ripjaws v ddr4 12GB(8+3) graphics card Nvidia GTX 960 4GB