
Forum discussion tagged with Split.
  1. G

    Question My PC And Games (Handle)

    Hello, So my PC is GTX 770 And AMD FX 8320 and I know it is a very old pc and the parts are very old but I was wondering if is it still decent for old games? Like the games that don't require much for example hidden object games and those other games that are not demanding? Thank you
  2. D

    [SOLVED] Split TV & Game audio between TV & Headphones?

    As the title states I want to split Audio. I have my pc connected to my GPU via Display Port and a HDMI connected to the same GPU to my TV, I "extend these display's" under 'Display Settings' and play my shows and stuff on the TV, while I am free to game on the Monitor. The TV audio source is...
  3. M

    [SOLVED] Help with PWM Splitters

    I am finishing up my first pc build. I have a b450M gaming MoBo, that has only 2 system fan headers and a cpu fan header. I guess the cpu fan header will be used by the cpu cooler (wraith prism), so that leaves me with 2 open spots And I need to connect : 2x140mm front fans 1x120mm back fan...
  4. S

    [SOLVED] Why is my only partition on this disk split up?

    There were previously 2 partitions on this drive but I've moved everything on the other one somewhere else and erased it, expanding the other volume step by step. Now it seems as is every time I did that, instead of enlarging the current region, it kept adding more and more regions. Does this...
  5. bezzea

    Question Split audio from two different applications to Headset and TV?

    Is it possible to Split audio from two different applications to Headset and TV? So for example, I want to have the TV listening to the Google Chrome (youtube) and my headset to any other application (mostly games/discord) Thanks!
  6. Safeeque

    [SOLVED] Spliting Leased line Static IP Addresses to Multiple Router/Firewall

    I am having 5 static IPs from my ISP. ISP Modem have only one port and one cable for these IPs. Now i need to connect Internet to My Router with one static iP and Firewall with My other IP Addresses. How can i do that with out putting a switch between ISP Modem and Router and Firewall.
  7. R

    Question 1 Cable Modem to 2 Wireless Routers

    Hello, I am trying to see if this would possibly work before I invest in getting another wireless router and switch. I currently have 1 Cable Modem in my basement where the Coax comes in the house. From there it connects its WAN port to a port I have in my office then to my Wireless Router...
  8. K

    My computer wont connect to my monitor

    Everything is connected correctly but my friend's monitor isn't turning on. What can I do?
  9. E

    Advice on my overkill build and what CPU to use for it

    My current build is meant to OBLITERATE games at 1080p with maxed out settings for quite a while (at least five years), and it's currently around $2400. I plan on overclocking the current CPU to 4.5GHz. I have a 1920x1080 monitor and some people are saying that it will be the new 640x480, but I...
  10. C

    Best fan controller?

    I'm looking for a fan controller that can handle 18 of these fans http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA68V21E0611&cm_re=silent_wings_2_120mm-_-9SIA68V21E0611-_-Product Any suggestions? I will be using this for zone control...
  11. S

    ACER ASPIRE 5740 displays no evidence that it is receiving power.

    The LAPTOP displays no evidence that it is receiving power. The power brick LED is lit, but when the jack is inserted in the laptop, the blue power LED does not light Last night I shut down my computer, as normal. Everything was fine. There was no battery inside, using AC power. Shut it down...
  12. Irondiva

    How to improve ingame FPS while recording gameplay? Will additional drive help?

    I have an ssd drive that I am using for gameplay recording. I am using external recording device not to overload my laptop with recording. However, I see that ingame fps drops periodically (Every few minutes for a few seconds). Is that possible that my SSD has problem with playing the game and...
  13. B

    Will this wireless PCI adapter work with my motherboard?

    I am looking into buying a wireless adapter card and need help with finding out if the adapter I'm looking for will work with my motherboard. I am already using the PCI-E x16 2.0 Slot and only have one PCI slot free. Motherboard http:// The adapter is here...
  14. A

    MSI R8 270X with 3 monitors

    I just purchased a new MSI Radeon R9 270X 2Gb model. I have one VGA monitor and two dvi, one of which also supports dvi. The problem I have been experiencing is that when I plug in all the monitors, it will only display to two at a time. If I try to enable the third it requires me to disable...