stripped screw

Forum discussion tagged with stripped screw.
  1. A

    Question Internal SSD screw stripped -- how to remove?

    Hello all -- I have a M2 screw for the internal SSD slot that's not coming out. I tried the following thread's solutions (hammer, rubber band. pliers) but those didn't work. So I finally arrived at drilling out the head with a 2mm drill bit thinking it would split the shaft. The head has been...
  2. H

    Question How to extract a stripped screw for an M.2 card?

    The screw that holds down the M.2 wireless card in my laptop is completely stripped and I don't know how to get it out. The reason this came about is because the card kept working itself loose, causing blue screens and eventually loss of wireless function altogether. I would open the laptop...
  3. C

    [SOLVED] Help! I have an extremely thin stripped screw

    As the title says, I've finally come around to replacing my laptop's hard drive and I've come to find that I can not open it due to 2 screws being not only tinier and thinner than all the other screws, but also extremely thin. They're located below where the disc drive would be which means the...
  4. I

    Question Stripped screws on HDDs

    Im trying to move my hdds from my hdd tray so that i could fit a new gpu in but the screws are damaged, any ideas?
  5. C

    [SOLVED] Stripped screws on Dark Base Pro 900

    Hi, I'm looking for help in removing some screws that are stripped or basically stripped. In order to install the PSU on the Dark Base Pro 900 rev 2 you must either remove the two screws attaching the bracket to the side of the case or by removing two screws holding the back metal mesh screen in...
  6. LilZpai

    Building a HTPC and LAN PC

    Hey, I'm planning a HTPC and CSGO/LAN PC I don't plan to have a lot of programs on this PC, hence why I chose a 120GB SSD. I might do some video rendering, and if I have the spare money I'll go with 16GB instead of 8GB. Here's the parts list; (is it an...
  7. A

    Corsair H80i Gt driver not found

    Can anyone please tell me where i can download the driver for my water cooling, i have windows 7 and for some reason windows cant find the driver for it when it's installing the device. This means i cant control it due to Corsair Link not recognizing it.