
Forum discussion tagged with #stutters.
  1. JustHunterM8

    Question Stuttering with an RX 6700 XT ?

    Sorry for the weird formatting, this is a copy & paste cos no one helped on reddit A quick bit of info, I got a used Rx 6700 XT (likely used for mining as i can see dust and corrosion), theyre a very reputable seller very responsive and open to helping. They tested the card before sending it...
  2. iMonteiro

    Question Upgrade but actually a downgrade.....

    Greetings, i'll go straight to the point, my previous components were: CPU - AMD Ryzen 5 3600 GPU - GTX 1650 MOBO - Micro-ATX Gigabyte B450M DS3H V2 RAM - 16gb Corsair Vengeance + 8gb HyperX Fury (the hyperx is optional and the problem persists even without it) PSU - Kolink 600W Semi Modular...
  3. ŽiglisKaajis

    Question Switched every component but still stuttering

    So, i have this problem for over a year now, where i have stuttering in games. Things i have done software wise: -Reinstalled windows 10 many times -Tried installing, uninstalling drivers -Tried windows 11 -Tried changing settings in games, in windows -Updating Bios -Changing Bios settings -And...
  4. ŽiglisKaajis

    Question B365 HD3 causing high cpu usage in games

    I have been having this headache of a problem with my pc. I have humongous stutter in some games ( not all ). Unfortunately i don't know when it started because i was playing games that were not stuttering, but when i got new graphics card i wanted to test fps and there it was. The humongous...
  5. Alezwieje

    Question Stuttering in games after clean windows reinstall

    Hi, I have a problem with stuttering in games since I reinstalled windows, because i had BSODs. Luckily after reinstalling them I haven't experienced them anymore, but I have a performance issue and the screen stutters occasionally in games for less than a second I also feel that in-game...
  6. P

    [SOLVED] Stutters

    Guys, I have a RX580, an AMD 5 2400g, b450mds3h mobo, 8g 3000hz ram and no ssd, my gpu stutters in all heavy games, it looks like that the gpu drops % when the cpu does, when I'm idle in game the % of the gpu stays capped at 90/100% but when I start to move or play it drops all over the place...
  7. A

    Question Games Suddenly Stuttering

    So recently every game I have been playing has been stuttering like crazy, even games that aren't hard to run like Minecraft, the severity of the stuttering varies per game with the worst being Minecraft and Apex Legends, Modern Warfare stutters but less often and for as little, the stuttering...