tf2 poor performance

Forum discussion tagged with tf2 poor performance.
  1. NightHawkRMX

    Question DSR Issue in TF2

    Hello, I am having an unusual bug with DSR. I have an Overclocked Ryzen 3 1200, Overclocked GTX 1050, and 60hz 1080p monitor. I love the free game Team Fortress 2. My system is powerful enough to run this 12-year-old game with 4x DSR as I get well over 120fps at 1080p max settings normally. I...
  2. M

    Replacement Dell HD has no room for clone of original HD

    I'm sorry to be unable to find the answer myself although I bet it's here somewhere. :( Long, frustrating story: --The HD was going in my Dell Inspiron according to their tests and my experience of crashes and freezes; they sent me a replacement. Neither them or I could make image/clone with...