Trusted platform module

Forum discussion tagged with Trusted platform module.
  1. hendhp

    Question HELP! Trusted Platform Module (TPM) is not detected after replacing Laptop Chipset

    I have a MSI GS65 RE laptop. A few days ago i blew up the chipset and that made it completey died, so i brought it to repair center and they replaced the chipsetwith the new one. After i got the laptop back, i tried to play Valorant. BUT THERE IS A POP UP MESSAGE THAT WONT LET ME OPEN THE GAME...
  2. V

    Question Secure Boot and Trusted Computing options are nowhere to be found in the BIOS ?

    im at my wits end. ive tried everything on the internet i could find, ive been at this for hours. i need to enable TPM to upgrade to windows 11. Motherboard is MSI 970A-G43 Plus with click bios 4. every guide and tutorial said to find secure boot or trusted computing but they're not anywhere in...
  3. L

    [SOLVED] TPM clearing issues, Please help, I’m clueless.

    I recently ordered parts to build a new pc, so I was planning on selling my current one to a friend. However, upon reseting the pc and then restarting it, I ran into an issue with “TPM” - Whatever that is. When the pc is booting up after a restart or powering on, the first screen you see after...