So, about a month ago my brother moved to another city for university. We moved everything there including his pc that i built for him, i made sure it was packed tight and nothing would break and it was next to me the whole way there. From the day we went there there are random BSOD with the...
So I just got a Dell XPS 400 for $20 off a friend of mine. I didn't really need it but I got it anyways because I thought I could upgrade the CPU in it and run Windows 8.1 and give it to my grandma for her birthday next month. She really needs a new computer because she is still running Windows...
So, My old hard drive got shot out and was giving me tons of problems. Windows was telling me the hard drive was starting to fail. So, I went out and bought a new 1. I got windows 7 ultimate on the hard drive (Hate windows 8/10) and everything installed well. My only problem is, when I unplug...
been a huge time gamer and currently have a office cpu and looking to get a gaming pc. tired of lagging wile playing most games.cant even get close to playing games like wildstar or skyforge . i have about a 800 dollar budget and was looking for one that can run most games on a high setting...
I am trying to get three monitors on my msi gtx 970 oc edition and I am looking for adapters (trying to use the hdmi, a dvi-i to vga, and a dvi-d to vga) but i keep finding a whole bunch of specs on adapters as active or passive. What is the difference? Which one do i need?