vibrating noice

Forum discussion tagged with vibrating noice.
  1. oPepper

    [SOLVED] CPU AIO increased vibration/waving

    I recently started to see high temps on my cpu (6700k) around 90 degrees. I took it upon myself to replace the AIO fans. I currently have a Corsair h100i V2. I also took the time to re-apply thermal paste and blow all the dust out of the radiator while I was in there. After doing all of this I...
  2. N

    Question Graphics card is making buzzing noise

    I bought my RTX 2060 a week ago.And when i am browsing on the web or when it is on idle it it fine.but when i open games and i start playing them the graphics card makes grinding or vibrating sound ,it is like the blades are hitting the plate or something.AND when i just touch it with my finger...