video playback issues

Forum discussion tagged with video playback issues.
  1. T

    Question Some video files not playing on rectified fake 2Tb thumb drive

    Well, not having seen the warning pinned to the top of this forum, I ordered a "lenovo" thumb drive advertised on Aliexpress as 2Tb! 2Tb - yeah right! After some research I used Fakeflashtest to determine how much capacity was really on the drive, found 399,000 Mb, then made a 399Gb partition...
  2. MrSuperhate

    Question Difficult to diagnose audio crackling and hardware acceleration issues ?

    System: 5600G, 6800 XT, 4 x 8GB 3600 MHz CL16 RAM, B550M DS3H AC motherboard, GD-F HPJ 750W PSU, SK hynix Gold P31 boot drive To be clear, audio crackling happens independent of whether hardware acceleration is enabled. The facts: 1. I get persistent audio crackling when the audio bitrate...
  3. willyburns

    [SOLVED] Steam Link not displaying image on Now TV app or WOW Presents web video?

    Hi, while using Steam Link and trying to watch Rupaul's Drag Race on my TV downstairs I can see the video playing my PC monitor but not on my TV; however, the sound is fine and I can see the image playing in the preview thumbnails when I hover my cursor over the play bar on the video. YouTube...