Voltage draw

Forum discussion tagged with Voltage draw.
  1. epiczombiekill

    Question Seemingly weird Ryzen 5 Voltages

    I just upgraded to a Ryzen 5 1600x and was curious about the voltages I'm seeing in HWmonitor At idle I'm seeing 1.4-1.46v, but under load with P95 I'm seeing 1.2v, temps are a tad high at idle 40c-48c though under full load at 4.1ghz it doesn't go above 70c Everything in the bios is stock...
  2. lethalshark

    What do I need to upgrade?

    I have a computer that I built myself a year ago but it doesn't run some games like I want it to. DayZ standalone runs at about 19-27 frames (I know it's not optimized well but still) a somewhat heavily modded skyrim runs at 20-30 fps. Assassins Creed Black Flag runs at 30-40 on max settings. My...