vr compatibility

Forum discussion tagged with vr compatibility.
  1. Lucky_SLS

    Question 7900 XT VR performance with Quest 2 / Quest 3 ?

    Hi, I am planning on getting this build towards the end of this year: PCPartPicker Part List CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 7600X 4.7 GHz 6-Core Processor (£205.89 @ Amazon UK) CPU Cooler: ID-COOLING SE-226-XT 68.2 CFM CPU Cooler (£49.99 @ Amazon UK) Motherboard: ASRock B650M Pro RS WiFi Micro ATX AM5...
  2. M

    [SOLVED] Can my pc run vr

    I am wondering if my PC can run vr, and if so which headsets. I know I don’t have the best graphics card, so I’m not hoping to run an vive but I’m hoping to be able to run oculus or windows mixed reality My specs Graphics: gtx 1050 ti CPU: AMD Fx 8350 4 ghz 8 core Ram: 16 gb ddr3 PSU: 600 watts
  3. Mt_McKinley

    Question HDMI Port only uses Intel Integrated graphics, how can I make it use Nvidia graphics card too?

    I have a Gigabyte p37x laptop with both an Intel integrated graphics card and an Nvidia 980m graphics card. The laptop only has 1 HDMI port, and I'm trying to set up an HTC Vive to use with it, which uses the HDMI port. However, it seems that the HMDI Port is connected to the integrated graphics...