Web Development

Page 4 - Forum discussion tagged with Web Development.
  1. anomnious

    Help With Bare Drive

    So I recently purchased the following items. HDD http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822148506 Motherboard http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813131760 PSU http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817139025 Case...
  2. A

    What will 2 HD 4850s equal to?

    What will 2 4850s in crossfire compare to? My guess is that they will be close to an HD 4890 (correct me if i'm wrong) What nvidia card will this compare to?
  3. P

    Modem and router compatible with Charter?

    I need a modem that will work with Charter, just for purchase with no rent. Who has one.
  4. V

    Sidwinder Freestyle pro software install 3.02

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.hardware (More info?) I'm having trouble installing Sidwinder Freestyle Pro 3.02 Software on WIndows XP. I get this error message: "Sidewinder Game Device Software 3.x installs drivers that are incompatible with this version of Windows. For...
  5. C

    Please help! Gaming build Suggestions? (Ihazcookies)

    Hi, I picked this build from iDroid. It'll definitely be a budget build and I want to be able to eventually upgrade it. I'll be using win7 64bit 1. Is it worth it to get the i5 3570k to overclock? If I do, will I need a cooler? (suggestions of cooler would be nice!) 2. How important is the...
  6. S

    No operating system left(formatted) upgrade xp won't load

    Hello, no operating system left,I repartitioned hard drive &formatted NT, I tried to reinstall xp upgrade, but xp grade won't load. system asking for diskettes, downloaded some, install starts but get an error 7 code for NTLDR. Anyways around this mess?
  7. G

    Free lexmark x125 printers driver

    Hello, I am in need of lexmark x125 printer drivers for windows 7