Weird noises

Forum discussion tagged with Weird noises.
  1. L

    Question PC is making weird noise?

    Hey guys, today I realized that my computer was making a weird noise when it was turned on. I opened it to record the audio and caught it on tape, but I do not know what it is since I couldn't physically see any issues. Here's the audio file: You can hear the noise at 00:20. I am running a RX...
  2. OfirX

    [SOLVED] Weird noises

    Hey everybody So recently my pc started to make some weird noises i think its coming from the PCU (about a month old) I added a recording of the sounds they usually come 3 times then go away for a few mins then back again...
  3. PytGamer

    Question HDD doing a weird sound from time to time, should i be worried?

    Hi, as the title said i am noticing that my HDD is started to make a weird noise like a cockroach sound , check second 4s and 7s View: my question is if this normal? What is happening? and what is causing it? thanks in advance.
  4. C

    Question Pump started making weird noise

    So I have an EK pump that started making a rather loud annoying noise. I had just finished bending the tubes to add my GPU to my loop, filled it back up, and this is what it was doing. The only think I can think of is I put primochill prep in again since the GPU never had the prep but the rest...
  5. X

    Question Power supply making weird buzzing/hissing noise

    Hello Recently i'v started to notice my power supply making a weird buzzing/hissing noise. I recently purchased a new graphics card, and about three weeks after using it, my power supply starts making this weird noise. I think the noise only happens when i'm playing intense games, Battlefield...