
Forum discussion tagged with whocrashed.
  1. A

    Question Mysterious randomly appearing BSOD (NTFS.sys PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA)

    Hi all, I am writing to plead for your assistance in resolving a persistent issue with my computer. The first time I encountered a Blue Screen of Death (BSOD), I was using a Samsung 980 Pro 2TB SSD with the latest firmware. I did not have full memory dumps enabled at the time, but I quickly...
  2. P

    Question System Crashing During Gameplay (CSGO)

    Hi All, I have been having system crashes for 10 months now since building my new PC. I have narrowed it down to either my RAM or CPU (though CPU seems to be more likely, but I want to confirm here). The following are my PC specs: Motherboard - Asus Gaming TUF B560 Wifi CPU - Intel Core i5 -...
  3. nigelfreeney

    [SOLVED] Random BSOD 3-7 times a day - mini dumps - Help!

    Windows 10 21H1 Motherboard Z170-WS 32GB Ram Corsair Vengeance LPX DDR4 2666 C16 2x16GB OS and program partitions on an Intel 750 series 1.2TB NVME drive GPU Nvidia GTX 1060-6GB Sandisk Ultra II 960GB Toshiba X300 6TB Corsair Force MP510 m.2 SSD 4TB WD Red 4TB I am getting multiple BSODs daily...
  4. Flame1


    I ran WhoCrashed to check the bsods and here is what it shows: View: https://imgur.com/a/1wCiK8v In the conclusion section in WhoCrashed it said "6 crash dumps have been found and analyzed. No offending third party drivers have been found." I got the PFN_LIST_CORRUPT BSOD error after about...
  5. J

    [SOLVED] BSOD (more frequent) after changing CPU cooler

    Hello all, I'm in desperate for help, as I've been getting a variety of BSOD. Please help! This computer is less than 1 yr old. 2 weekends ago I changed out my CPU Cooler to a Noctua cooler. It is worth noting that the process wasn't smooth, and I got thermal paste on the side of the chip and...
  6. S

    [SOLVED] Whocrashed analyze

    My PC crashed and i had a dumpfile and used whocrashed to analyze it and it says this: On Sun 10/13/2019 3:48:58 PM your computer crashed or a problem was reported crash dump file: C:\Windows\Minidump\101319-5781-01.dmp This was probably caused by the following module: Unknown...
  7. A

    Question PC Automatically Reboots After Upgrade

    Hello, I recently upgraded my computer, and it has been randomly rebooting ever since. It can take anywhere from minutes to a week+ for the automatic reboots to occur. My new specs: Motherboard: Asus Crosshair VIII Hero (no Wi-Fi) CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 3900x RAM: G.Skill 32 (2x16) GB DDR4 3200 MHz...
  8. L

    Need a PC upgrade

    My motherboard just died so imlooking for an upgrade. I have a gtx 750ti AMD fx 6300. I want to play the new games on medium settings 1080p. Sorry for my bad englando im from Argentina
  9. B

    Acer Aspire 14(R5-471T) - Digitizer

    I recently purchases Acer Aspire 14(R5-471T). I am looking to purchase a digital pen for it. However i can not locate which on
  10. C

    Good First Build?

    http://ca.pcpartpicker.com/p/FwZjD3 No OS, planning to do something either down the lines of ISO windows 10 or usb
  11. S

    Will the Sapphire R9 270x 4GB work with my computer?

    I have a Dell XPS 8100 Intel i7 860 with 350w psu, I plan to upgrade the psu to a XFX TS Series 550w if that's any info.
  12. L

    Microsoft Sidewinder Force Feedback Wheel (USB) Configuration Software (Not Drivers)

    Does anyone know where I can get the software originally bundled with the wheel? I just bought mine used and need the configuration software to change the pedal setup. I do not mean the drivers, which is all I can find on the internet so far.