Wii U

Page 5 - Forum discussion tagged with Wii U.
  1. K

    external monitor, want to close the laptop but it turns off

    I have an external monitor hooked up to my Acer Aspire laptop. I would like to be able to close the lap top but it turns off. Can I prevent this and if so how do I do it? Thanks
  2. E

    Computer Freezing Problems

    Hello all, first time posting. normally I just troll the site. love the community. My problem/question is I have been having issues with my computer crashing and freezing. Some times it goes a day without freezing other times its 3-4 times in 20 minutes. It started off happening only when I was...
  3. P

    Planning on building a new gaming/entertainment system - Need input

    So I am planning on putting together a new system, I'll probably wait until CyberMonday to order (hopefully there will be some good deals). But I would like some input. Thanks in advance. PCPartPicker part list: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/215Cg Price breakdown by merchant...
  4. timnswede

    Overclocking 4770k with overclocked RAM?

    So I am getting a 4770k soon, and was planning on getting this RAM as well: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231589 Will there be any problem overclocking the CPU since I have to use an XMP profile for the RAM, or do I have to do anything differently?
  5. pat

    ITW Final Report

    Archived from groups: rec.games.empire (More info?) International Trade Wars is officially over. Our friends as Zergland must have cashed in a few dozen trade ships during the weekend and went WAY over the victory threshold (450). So as per the diety imposed stipulation, Zergy is teh sole...
  6. L

    Mobo needed for gaming, OC, SLI, Haswell, 2400 DRAM

    I need some help choosing the right Mobo. I haven't bought anything, and this is just a rough draft, so please, please, please feel free to throw up any suggestions. This rig needs to a gaming, quiet, completely SLI and OC compatible, space is not an issue (I'd rather have a larger form factor...
  7. G

    [DECK] Enkidu's Masquerade Ball

    Archived from groups: rec.games.trading-cards.jyhad (More info?) Deck Name : Enkidu Masquerade Ball Author : Norman S. Brown Jr Description : Using Enkidu's inherent rush you rush and torporize a vampire then untap with either Freak Drive or Forced March. You then bleed with a DOM minion. If...
  8. B

    Building a suitable mid-priced rig for a 3D artist.

    Ahoy hoy, I'm currently look for a career change and one of the routes I'm going to test out is becoming a 3D artist/animator. I'm going to need a new computer for that as my current one is very decrepit. I initially planned to get a laptop but I've since read that a desktop would be a lot...
  9. Gutawer

    Should I get Windows 7 or Windows 8?

    I am building a new gaming PC, and would like to know if Windows 8 64bit (with Start8 probably) or Windows 7 64bit would be better for gaming?
  10. J

    Intel D975XBX2 and PCIe 3.0 vídeo cards

    Hello, I have the Intel board D975XBX2 and I was thinking of buying the new GeForce GTX Series card. The specs say that these cards are PCIe 3.0 x16, but the board is older than this specification. question: will it work or I need to change the MB?
  11. G

    Passive Mixer, Power Amp, Passive Speakers.....

    Would you need a power amp connect to passive speakers if you have a passive mixer?
  12. K

    my asus laptop says it is plugged in and charging but the battery % doesn't go above 22

    my asus laptop says it is plugged in and charging but the battery % doesn't go above 22. What is wrong?
  13. Alex Chacko

    How far can I overclock on this stock air cooling?

    Hello all, I've got myself a satisfyingly fast AMD A10-6800K APU. I've overclocked the CPU part to 4.8 GHz, and the iGPU to 950 MHz. Does anyone know how much farther I can overclock this with stock air cooling? Thanks!
  14. B

    Destination folder access denied need permission

    what is the procedure to correct this error I cant copy or paste files to my pc from pendrive or memory card plz reply fast
  15. M

    2x680 vs 780ti or 780sli

    Friends i have two 680s dcu ii 4gb each models should i upgrade to 780ti sli or just 780s with non ti and im using 1080p display but i will upgrade it to 2560x1440 so what gpu will be good for me thanx in advance :)
  16. S

    2gb or 3gb graphic card

    Iam gonna be using my 32" led tv as my monitor, I will be playing games like battlefield. Iam on a budget. Will a 2gb Radeon r9 be fine or should I get one with 3gb