will not display

Forum discussion tagged with will not display.
  1. Takaragomy

    [SOLVED] I am helping my friend build her first PC, will not post. Need help to diagnose the issue.

    I have built roughly a dozen PCs over the last few years, but this is only the 2nd AMD PC, and I do not have any spare AMD Processors/Motherboards that I can test out those parts with. I assembled the PC, and double checked all connections. I have not plugged in case fans or RGB yet because the...
  2. K

    Question Why can't I display my BIOS!?

    Short and simple story is, my bios will not display at all. The first thing I see on my monitor is the windows log in screen. If i button mash 'DEL' to enter the BIOS, the screen will stay black. Motherboard: MSI B350 Tomahawk CPU: Ryzen 1600x Graphics: Gigabyte 1080 ti extreme I've tried...