
Forum discussion tagged with #wontboot.
  1. L

    [SOLVED] PC wont boot need help tried everything

    Hi i built a PC a month ago and 2 days ago i shut it down and left when i started it again it went into BIOS and has failed to boot into windows since, it gets stuck on the gigabyte logo , i have tried enabling csm, fast boot disabled, resetting CMOS multiple times, tried booting with one ram...
  2. Riverdye

    [SOLVED] PC Monitor wont turn on

    HELP! My friend PC monitor wont turn on when I press the power, everything is blank but after I press restart button it will boot back like normal again. Specs: Proc: i7 3770 RAM: 16GB RAM GPU: RX 580 Mobo: GIGABYTE H61M-DS2 3.0 PSU: 500 watt PSU (not sure what the brand is) Case: Venomrx Guardian
  3. dcwg2234

    Question CPU wont recieve power

    So, This I have observed recently. My mobo is x570 Strix e gaming. It has some RGB LED elements on it which glow always when power is plugged in (in breathing mode) I have left my PC to sleep, the CPU fan stops spinning. To resume we usually use a keypress, I did that num lock light is struck...
  4. T

    [SOLVED] Swapped PC HDDS, Computer won't signal.

    So, Some back story, I bought a Prebuilt from Best Buy while I saved money to upgrade it. I eventually swapped out all the parts, So it's a completely new system. Well, the ONE thing i didn't change was the original drive. I just added new drives. So, now all of the old parts are finally being...
  5. P

    [SOLVED] Built a new PC and It won't post after bio's screen

    I have just built a new PC and the specs are: -GPU 2080 ti -CPU i9-9900k -RAM 8x2 3200hz Corsair veng -MOBO MSI z390 -PSU 850w Corsair 80+ gold -COOLER H115i pro rgb -HDD 1tb western digital -SSD 500gb samsung (with windows on it already from previous build) Basically I built this PC over the...