£350-£400 Pc Build


Dec 31, 2016
Im looking for a pc build with a £350-£400 budget so i can either upgrade my current pc or buy a new one entirely but Im not looking for used parts and want something with a warrenty.
The main reason i want to do this is because the current cpu is bottlenecking in newer games and some games will refuse to boot becuase of a missing instruction set.
Also,im not looking for a gpu,monitor or accessories (unless they could be extremly beneficial.)
My current Specs:
CPU:AMD Phenom II x6 1090T 3.60GHz
GPU:Zotac Gtx 960 2GB Vram
Ram:8GB of DDR3 (unsure of speed)
PSU:Corsair TX750
MotherBoard:ASUS MSA87
Storage:1TB hard drive and a 120GB SSD
Case:INWIN Pcspecialist (unsure)
Different ways to upgrade. If you keep your RAM, then I'd be tempted to go with an i5 or i7 Haswell with a z97 motherboard. Something like this. It would allow you to overclock when there is a need for a bit more performance.

For a fuller upgrade of RAM, CPU and motherboard then may as well move to a DDR4 option and newer components like this. Options can be tinkered with but it would be the sort of thing to go for if you don't intend to overclock.

In either case, you'd need to reinstall Windows to prevent compatibility problems and save yourself some headaches.
I'd say in this case the only things that you really need to upgrade would be your Processor and motherboard, and if you really want to your RAm as well. For $400 you could get a skylake i5, motherboard and RAM to go along with. Or you could get a 4th gen i7 and a new motherboard. Honestly it's really up to you in that aspect. Your PSU is fine, you storage seems fine and you said that you don't want to upgrade your GPU.
Different ways to upgrade. If you keep your RAM, then I'd be tempted to go with an i5 or i7 Haswell with a z97 motherboard. Something like this. It would allow you to overclock when there is a need for a bit more performance.

For a fuller upgrade of RAM, CPU and motherboard then may as well move to a DDR4 option and newer components like this. Options can be tinkered with but it would be the sort of thing to go for if you don't intend to overclock.

In either case, you'd need to reinstall Windows to prevent compatibility problems and save yourself some headaches.
It depends. What games will you be playing and what other things will you do on it? If you're playing exclusively CoD 1 then you're probably just wanting the 6100 with a new MoBo, save the rest on future upgrades. If you're playing GTA V and Witcher 3, then ya you're wanting a i5 or i7 (probably Skylake). And if you do multithreaded work like running background applications while gaming, go i7. If not, i5.

Another option is waiting for the AMD Zen CPUs. Typically AMD CPUs are awful but their new lineup is looking upwards. Their options are going to surely be cheaper, maybe more powerful hard to say, but if you'd consider Zen you should wait. If this is a right now deal, go i5 or i7 Skylake. Otherwise, waiting may not be a bad plan.