£700 - £800 Gaming PC

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Aug 9, 2014
Hi guys I decided to buy/build my very first Gaming PC and I am wandering if you could help me? Also I do not have any experience or knowledge re Gaming PC.
I am looking for either pre-built or just building it myself.

The games that I normally play are WoW, Arma 3 and LoL
This is one that is $11 extra. But worth it. Two kill 2 birds with one stone.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i5-4690K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor (£155.94 @ Aria PC)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-H97M-D3H Micro ATX LGA1150 Motherboard (£63.56 @ Scan.co.uk)
Memory: Corsair 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory (£62.16 @ Scan.co.uk)
Storage: Sandisk Ultra Plus 128GB 2.5" Solid State Drive (£41.99 @ Amazon UK)
Storage: Seagate Barracuda 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive (£35.94 @ Aria PC)
Video Card: MSI GeForce GTX 770 2GB TWIN FROZR Video Card (£227.72 @ Scan.co.uk)
Case: NZXT...

Nice build man, though is a h100i necessary ? 😛

I see you everytime. Pretty sure you are from down under. Anyways, I thought he wanted it as he said somewhere during the thread. So I removed the monitor and add the H100i. :)


Same 😛 I think I joined roughly the same time as you ^^

A month or so before me.

really? 😱