You are correct there are some government control issues with NN as it stands now. This is only one of the reasons I said the internet could use a face lift. No one government should have control over the internet, period. In fact I would argue only the populous of the world should control it though to be fair that is not an easy thing to implement not to mention the fact many of the more controlling governments like China would do everything they could to prevent a free and open net. What is being purposed now won't allow any control of the net except what ISPs themselves do or don't impose. ISPs have repeatedly shown they have zero quams with "screwing" their customers (and everyone else they can if it makes them money) regardless any transparency they provide. So killing off NN is a no win for everyone save the ISPs. Then on top of the fact if this piece of legislation passes no Administration can reverse it directly as the bill is written now. It will take an act of congress to fix things. Which I can't say I would have any amount of faith that even if congress did try, we would end up with better results. Point being I believe we would be better off keeping what we have and trying to amend the sore points of control I mentioned then ripping up what we have and starting from a scratch while giving the ISPs all the control. You don't put a kid in charge of the cookie jar. Killing of NN as it written now, will do exactly that.
You are correct there are some government control issues with NN as it stands now. This is only one of the reasons I said the internet could use a face lift. No one government should have control over the internet, period. In fact I would argue only the populous of the world should control it though to be fair that is not an easy thing to implement not to mention the fact many of the more controlling governments like China would do everything they could to prevent a free and open net. What is being purposed now won't allow any control of the net except what ISPs themselves do or don't impose. ISPs have repeatedly shown they have zero quams with "screwing" their customers (and everyone else they can if it makes them money) regardless any transparency they provide. So killing off NN is a no win for everyone save the ISPs. Then on top of the fact if this piece of legislation passes no Administration can reverse it directly as the bill is written now. It will take an act of congress to fix things. Which I can't say I would have any amount of faith that even if congress did try, we would end up with better results. Point being I believe we would be better off keeping what we have and trying to amend the sore points of control I mentioned then ripping up what we have and starting from a scratch while giving the ISPs all the control. You don't put a kid in charge of the cookie jar. Killing of NN as it written now, will do exactly that.