Question 0xc00007b error in windows 10


Nov 7, 2013
I bought a new laptop Asus 513qm Ryzen 9 5900hx rtx3060 windows 10
I have a old witcher 3 game disc that I bought for my old laptop
installation went fine but every time I start this game got same error 0xc00007b unable to start. I tried every method I found on internet enable .net 2,3,4. install vc++ 2005-2013 direct x user end but still got no solution. if anyone solve this issue please tell me.
not the driver. the game. the dvd probably old
I buy a new copy from steam but when I try to launch the game in steam it shows running for 4-5 sec. after that It won,t launch
but when I try to launch it from steam library folder from its .exe file it shows same 0xc00007b error
seems like I wasted my money again 🙁
why there is no solution for error 0xc000007b Because I tried every method posted on internet
like install vc++2010 onwards, latest .net, directx12 update, windows update, post in steam discussion, scan for malware
have just one month old laptop, still can't find any solution...