1.6GHz and 1.8GHz Northwoods now available

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Mar 23, 2001
The article merely says they are limiting production.

Intel does not control the price which a part goes for on the market, as you can see by looking at nw's retail price. If there is a limited supply of a thing(1.6-1.8ghz NW) then the price for that thing will be increased, it is the law of supply and demand.

"The Cash Left In My Pocket,The BEST Benchmark"
No Overclock+stock hsf=GOOD!


Mar 23, 2001
And they are not... These new reports are just as accurate as the reports on the release price of the Northwoods. (i.e. They are completely wrong.)


I suppose I will take your word for it then huh rayy.

PS: the registers predicted northwood price was right around what intel sells them at, and is way less than you have to pay for them now.

"The Cash Left In My Pocket,The BEST Benchmark"
No Overclock+stock hsf=GOOD!


May 9, 2001
We all know his first language isn't English, it's French. It's not that we have anything against French-speaking people, we just have a hard time deciphering his attempts at English. He's been encouraged to find a good translator, but I guess he prefers to just tough it out on his own.

<i>Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance.</i>


Apr 12, 2001
PS: the registers predicted northwood price was right around what intel sells them at, and is way less than you have to pay for them now.

From <A HREF="http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/archive/22922.html" target="_new">The Register (bottom of the page)</A>: 2.0, 2.2GHz Pentium 4 - 0.13 micron Northwood A, 512KB L2, 400MHz FSB - Launch price: $420/$610

Real release prices for these processors: $364/$562

Current prices from retailers: $370/$597

The Register's prices were "right around" Intel's prices? No.
The Register's prices are "way less than you have to pay for them now"? This could not be more wrong. Reality is exactly the reverse.


= The views stated herein are my personal views, and not necessarily the views of my employer. =


Dec 31, 2007
Ironically, you still like to use it when it suits your need!
<A HREF="http://forumz.tomshardware.com/modules.php?name=Forums&file=faq&notfound=1&code=1" target="_new">http://forumz.tomshardware.com/modules.php?name=Forums&file=faq&notfound=1&code=1</A>

:smile: Good or Bad have no meaning at all, depends on what your point of view is.


Mar 23, 2001
ray, a difference of 40 bucks for a prediction is MOST DEFFINATLY imo close to the real launch price.

The last time I checked pricewatch the northwood 2.2 was going for 650, in fact in another thread you accused retailers of unfair pricing. That is what that statement was about, if the circumstances of the current pricing have changed, then I retract that facet of my statement.

The registers predicted price was rather close, and your second point was invalid as stated above.

NOW, the register is reporting intel is limiting nw 1.6 and 1.8 production, which appears to follow logic.

Is the fact you dont think the register is reputable your ONLY defence to this claim?

"The Cash Left In My Pocket,The BEST Benchmark"
No Overclock+stock hsf=GOOD!


Apr 12, 2001
I did in the past, sure. They used to be fairly accurate. But lately they have been wrong more and more. I no longer trust them.


= The views stated herein are my personal views, and not necessarily the views of my employer. =


Dec 31, 2007
Sorry, but isn't fairly accurate meaning sometimes it still gets a few wrong? Beside Northwood prices, is there any?

:smile: Good or Bad have no meaning at all, depends on what your point of view is.


Apr 12, 2001
ray, a difference of 40 bucks for a prediction is MOST DEFFINATLY imo close to the real launch price.
The differences are $56 and $48. That is not what I would call close. If someone quoted a price of $397 for the 1.67GHz Athlon (XP 2000) launch price, would you call that close?

The last time I checked pricewatch the northwood 2.2 was going for 650
That is no longer the case, check again.

in fact in another thread you accused retailers of unfair pricing.
In fact those prices definately were unreasonable. I am glad they have corrected the situation.

The registers predicted price was rather close, and your second point was invalid as stated above.
The Register's prices were not accurate and not close. To what 'second point' do you refer? I am starting to have trouble following your argument. It is not making sense.


= The views stated herein are my personal views, and not necessarily the views of my employer. =


Apr 12, 2001
Up until now they have always had the exact prices and been exactly dead on with regards to release prices for Intel and AMD. Now all of a sudden they are $58 too high and, according to Matisaro, reporting Northwood shortages that do not exist. My trust in them has faded.


= The views stated herein are my personal views, and not necessarily the views of my employer. =


Mar 23, 2001
The differences are $56 and $48. That is not what I would call close. If someone quoted a price of $397 for the 1.67GHz Athlon (XP 2000) launch price, would you call that close?

A difference of oppion then, I feel that it is very close.

That is no longer the case, check again.

That is the case, there are 2 retailers selling at near suggested price, then immediatly back to the 650 range. I dont even think the one retaier who is selling at that price has a very good reseller rating.

In fact those prices definately were unreasonable. I am glad they have corrected the situation.

Only 2 retailers have corrected the situation, hopefully the rest will, but it still is an issue at this time.

The Register's prices were not accurate and not close.

A personal oppinion, we dissagree, to use your feelings on the subject to invalidate mine is pointless. I feel the registers predictions were damn close, and the fact that they were BELOW what you needed to pay to get the processor from retailers says alot.(at least untill now).

To what 'second point' do you refer? I am starting to have trouble following your argument. It is not making sense.

I made 3 points, you made 3 counter points, your second counter point was the register was wrong, my comments are perfectly understandable, if there was a miscommunication it was not on my part.

"The Cash Left In My Pocket,The BEST Benchmark"
No Overclock+stock hsf=GOOD!


That is the case, there are 2 retailers selling at near suggested price, then immediatly back to the 650 range. I dont even think the one retaier who is selling at that price has a very good reseller rating.

There are 11 retailers selling at under $650 (although the 11th is at $649). A further 6 are above that, the highest being $679. Or were you talking only about retail models?

<font color=orange>Quarter</font color=orange> <font color=blue>Pounder</font color=blue> <font color=orange>Inside</font color=orange>


Go <A HREF="http://http:/www.pricewatch.com" target="_new">here</A>, click on CPU, click on "Pentium 4 2.2GHz Sock 478", and there you go. 17 total, 11 under $650.

<font color=orange>Quarter</font color=orange> <font color=blue>Pounder</font color=blue> <font color=orange>Inside</font color=orange>


I wouldn't trust pricewatch at this moment. Half those vendors have really bad <A HREF="http://www.resellerratings.com/" target="_new">ratings</A>, and even if we go off of the well trusted newegg.com, they quote $609 on pricewatch, but $669 on their website and they're constantly in and out of stock.

<font color=red>God</font color=red> <font color=blue>Bless</font color=blue> <font color=red>America!</font color=red>


Former Staff
Hmm. Using the "next generation" standard bus speed of 133MHz (QDR533), you can take the 1800 to 2400. Using non-standard bus speeds it might go higher. For a $250 CPU this is not too shabby. I think Raystonn mentioned that most Samsung PC800 will do PC1066 speed?

What's the frequency, Kenneth?


Sep 21, 2001
whats up with you?
i dont see any links or hard proof that a 800Mhz module will withstand 1066Mhz!

"Yea lats just go buy 2.2Ghz+800Mhz samsung and overclock it and live happily ever after..duh"

you are so on the hype..

<font color=green>
*(k)eep (I)t (S)imple (S)tupid*
</font color=green>


There is a disclaimer on there that says their stock is questionable so I called them. Nobody ever picked up. I then looked them up and found out they have a 2.6/7.0 rating with comments that are very discouraging.

I wouldn't exactly say that these processors are available yet.

However, when they do make it to the market they will surely be competitive if these prices are anything to judge by and their performance holds up.

<font color=red>God</font color=red> <font color=blue>Bless</font color=blue> <font color=red>America!</font color=red>


Former Staff
What's wrong with you? Did you not eat your bran flakes this morning?
All I said was I thought Raystonn mentioned that Samsung PC800 would do 1066, you'll have to ask HIM for the details.

What's the frequency, Kenneth?