1.95 gb usable out of 4gb in windows 7 32 bit [SOLVED]


Jun 15, 2018
1.95 gb ram usable yet i have 4 gb ram installed.
I use windows 7 32 bit and it can support up to 3.5 gb ram.
i have onboard gpu, i lessen my integrated graphics card limit to 32 mb, i checked dxdiag and it says my dedicated memory is 700 mb so 1.95gb and 700 mb doesnt make up to 3.5gb.

i have another pc with 4 gb ram and same os but it has a video card and it has 3.5 gb usable ram out of 4 gb. i removed the gpu and it still has 3.5 gb usable it has no graphics memory though so i cant play games.

my cousin has a pc and has 4gb ram and a gpu but he can also use 1.95 gb only he uses windows 7 64 bit

Is it possible to increase the ram like 4gb-700mb shared memory= 3.3 gb ram usable?
It's flexible value, IGPU will use only as much as needed, what you may be able to set in BIOS is just a maximum allowed for it. Same memory addresses are available for both, system (OS) and programs using it.
I fixed it already.
I found out that my ram has a lot of dirt.
There are black patches on the gold part of the ram cleaned it and it gave me 3.5 gb for windows 7 32 bit and 4 gb on windows 10
That's about maximum for 32bit system because it's only that much it can map. 64bit OS can map 16 Exabytes !! If it's not running properly for any reason it's even worse. Dedicated memory doesn't count as free RAM.

16 bit = 65, 536 bytes (64 Kilobytes)
32 bit = 4, 294, 967, 295 bytes (4 Gigabytes)
64 bit = 18, 446, 744, 073, 709, 551, 616 (16 Exabytes)

I have another question.
I have 3.5 gb ram and my onboard gpu is supposed to use some ram as dedicated ram right? Then why do i have 3.5 gb ram usable?

Got it now. Thanks!