1 great gaming monitor, or 3 monitors


Mar 2, 2015
I have two choices and I need some expert help.

1. I was thinking of getting 1 1440p gaming monitor, like the new acer 800$ one, and 2 1080p monitors on the side.

2. Or should I just get 3 decent identical monitors?

Budget is around 1000-1200.

Need some help, and thanks!

In between them it would be fine, but if the 24s aren't adjustable, whenever you want to move the acer around for different viewing angles, the others will look out of place.

I am OCD about my monitors lining up perfectly, so I would only do it for work multitasking if I had to.
I was in your shoes 2 days ago. I had 2 half decent 1080ps and was considering a 3rd, but instead sold them and went for the acer xb270hu. As you may know, they have their light bleed issues, and mine has a fair bit on the top edge, but to be honest, during my few days of Counterstrike, league, and even the dark Diablo 3, I have yet to take any notice in game. With that being said, if I had paid retail I'd be a little salty, but it was refurbished. The colors. The colors. The colors. Holy shit. Watching a 4k video on youtube is just breath taking. So to have an IPS with 1440p, 144hz, functional GSync at around $500 refurb beats 3 monitors any day. I am a CS major who writes code more than breaths, and I honestly prefer a 27" to 2 1080ps. I will attach some pics as reference to the light bleed.



Either way I'm going to get 3 monitors, the main difference is either 3 400 buck monitors, or 1 800 and 2 like 200. My major concern is how it would look, and I'll be running a 980 ti, so I am concerned with lag problems aswell.

The pixel response is pretty amazing on the acer. Watch Linus's video on it. But again, they ALL have some form of IPS glow or bleed. Same with the ASUS ROG IPS gaming series unfortunately.

In between them it would be fine, but if the 24s aren't adjustable, whenever you want to move the acer around for different viewing angles, the others will look out of place.

I am OCD about my monitors lining up perfectly, so I would only do it for work multitasking if I had to.